
It's a Thanksgiving miracle! We're turkey-trotting into your inbox two days early. Not feeling so thankful for your job? Apply for a new social impact job instead.

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Here's what we got on tap for you today:

  • Meme of the Week
  • To Black Friday or Not Black Friday
  • New Job Opportunities
  • Win of the Week: FDA Approves the First Slaughter-Free Meat
  • Bummer of the Week: Sea Turtles Threatened by Extreme Heat

Meme of the Week

Article of the Week

To Black Friday or Not to Black Friday?

Look, by this point, we all know about the dark side of Black Friday, right? How it promotes mindless over-consumption, takes a huge toll on the environment, and pushes already exhausted workers to the very brink of human existence? Yeah. Not great.

But also…we get it. When you’ve got a long list of Christmas gifts to shop for and inflation has made it harder to buy the things you need/want, it’s hard to pass up a good sale. We also have major respect for entrepreneurs and small business owners that rely on Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales to get that coin and chase their dreams.

If you’re the kind of person who can go to Costco and NOT stop at every single free sample booth, maybe Black Friday doesn’t tempt you. But for the rest of us mere mortals…we need to talk.

Our advice is to shop consciously instead of getting sucked into a vortex of low prices that you can’t get yourself out of and suddenly you own five pairs of Ugg boots. Instead of filling up your online cart with junk you don’t need (does anyone shop in person anymore?), shop for items that will actually add value to your life.

Another part of shopping consciously is supporting brands that are doing good things in the world. We all know that ethically made sh*t is more expensive, so you may as well score a sweet deal and feel good about your choices.

Here’s our short list of Impact Job-approved Black Friday deals:

Happy conscious shopping! Please don’t buy five pairs of Ugg boots.

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