
PSA: tomorrow is national donut day in the US and Canada. Go find a free donut somewhere and then fill in the holes in your resume so you can finally apply for the social impact job of your sweet dreams.

Here's what we got on tap for you today

  • Meme of the Week
  • Impact Job Update: Here's How to Ace that Job Interview
  • Article of the Week: Can You Add Volunteer Work to Your Resume?
  • New Job Opportunities
  • Win of the Week: Communal Regenerative Farming Aims to End Hunger in Uganda
  • Bummer of the Week: Plastic Consumption is Expected to Double by 2050 in G20 Nations

Meme of the Week

Here's How to Ace that Job Interview

If you landed an interview for your dream job in social impact and are looking for strategies to help you stand out, we've got you covered.

Learn More

Article of the Week

Can You Add Volunteer Work to Your Resume?

Raise your hand if thinking about writing a resume makes you feel these things: imposter syndrome, the depths of despair, like your life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.

Okay maybe that was extreme (and maybe our writer has watched too much Anne of Green Gables), but for real, no one likes working on a resume. The good news is that we’ve got the perfect tip for beefing up your resume without a ton of work experience: add your volunteer work. You’re welcome.

Here’s why you should do it:

  • If you’re transitioning into the social impact job space, some of the skills you’ve learned as a volunteer can apply to your new career
  • It shows you are proactive and passionate about the field (ie if you’re applying for a job in sustainability and you spent a summer volunteering on a regenerative farm, you gotta flex that)
  • Volunteer work can help fill in gaps in your resume
  • If you don’t have a ton of professional experience yet, adding volunteer work will make you look more impressive, but in like a truth-y way. Not like adding ‘proficient in photoshop’ because you know how to apply an instagram filter.

And here’s how you do it:

  • If the volunteer work relates to the job you’re applying for, you can include it in relevant work experience after your professional experience. Make it abundantly clear that it was a volunteer position. You ain’t trying to hoodwink anyone here.
  • If the volunteer work does not relate to the job, list it in a separate section after your work experience section.
  • In both cases, list the organization, your role and responsibilities, and the dates you were a volunteer.

Now go polish up those resumes! And to thank us for volunteering this invaluable information to you, feel free to share this newsletter with a fellow job-seeking friend.

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