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We got a good thing going here, yeah?

We give you killer content and the best social impact jobs each week, and we ask for nothing in return. Well nows we got a little favor to ask ya. (no clue why we're talking like a New York mobster but just go with it.)

Alls ya gotta do is give us a follow on LinkedIn. Easy peasy, right? Consider it a gentleman's (and women's) agreement and we'll call us even. Huzzah!

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Here's what we got on tap for you today:

  • Meme of the Week
  • Four Day Work Week
  • New Job Opportunities
  • Win of the Week: Southern Glazer Launches Education Platform for Minority-Owned Businesses in the Beverage Industry
  • Bummer of the Week: A Second Earthquake Hits Turkey and Syria

Meme of the Week

Article of the Week

The Four-Day Work Week Gains Ground in the UK

Ah, work-life balance. A buzzword that represents that elusive muse that we all hope will grace us with its presence one day. Whether you work from home, commute to an office, work nights, or, god bless you, teach school, we’d put good money on the fact that you could use a little more work-life balance.

Well, here’s a bit of good news for you: the four-day workweek is gaining ground in jolly ole England. From June to December 2022, 61 UK-based businesses trialed a 34-hour work week across four days. At the end of the trial, 92% of those businesses decided to permanently enforce the new schedule.

According to our sources, this was the largest four-day work week trial to date, but it’s not the first time that the concept has been hotly debated. The idea has been around since the early 2000s but has never taken off in productivity-obsessed first-world countries.

We’re taking bets on what will come first in America: a four-day workweek or a real-life Severence situation. Winner gets paid parental leave, which is as rare as spotting a wild kangaroo in Arkansas or getting quality health insurance from your employer.

But hey, don’t lose hope! The 4 Day Week Global, the New Zealand-based non-profit that piloted the program in the UK (OF COURSE they’re based in New Zealand), is bringing the program to other countries too.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way that the world does work, so here’s hoping that *revolutionary* concepts like a four-day workweek can actually start to gain traction.

It feels like we need to end this with another round of applause for teachers. Cause…teaching these days, amiright?

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How to Master Work-Life Balance When You Work Remote

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