
Summer’s coming, and you know what that means: time to get your summer body—of work—in shape. Update your resume, rework your portfolio, and start applying for Impact Jobs. We got you covered on that last one—scroll down.

Here's what we got on tap for you today

  • Meme of the Week
  • Article of the Week: What to Expect From the Job Market During the Summer
  • New Job Opportunities
  • Win of the Week: Rainforest in India Protected From Coal Mines
  • Bummer of the Week: Gen-Z Faces Credit Card Debt Crisis

Meme of the Week

Article of the Week

What to Expect From the Job Market During the Summer Months

Temps are heating up, but does that mean the job market is cooling down? Let’s talk about it.

Welcome to your official summertime guide to getting a job from your friends at The Impact Job.

There’s a common belief that the summer is a terrible time to apply for a job because companies and recruiters are less active in their search for the perfect candidates. What if we told you that wasn’t true?

Here’s why the summertime is a great time to apply for a new job:

  1. Hiring managers aren’t as busy during the summer: there’s no year-end project or tax season to deal with, which means that hiring managers get to spend more time focusing on hiring folks like you.
  2. The competition isn’t as stiff: people spend less time applying for jobs and more time sipping margaritas by the pool in the summer. If they aren’t subscribed to this newsletter (sucks for them), then they may wrongly think that they should stop applying for jobs in the summer. All of this just means that there’s less competition in the summer and a better chance of your application standing out.
  3. Summer is a great time to network: everyone wants to be out of the office in the summertime, so it’s a great time to propose a meetup. Want to pick someone’s brain about their career path and ask them to mentor you? Have an old colleague you want to reconnect with so they can be a professional reference for you? The summer months are a great time to make these things happen since people typically have lighter work schedules and would love an excuse to leave their office.

Here’s our best tip for surviving the summer job market: don’t expect less. Walk into summertime with confidence and an abundance mindset, and you never know what could happen.

Ready to get started with your summertime job search? Scroll down and apply for an Impact Job today. We’re metaphorically raising our spicy margaritas and toasting your summer of success!

New Job Opportunities

  1. Senior Program Assistant at State Innovation Exchange (SiX) - Remote (USA)
  2. Director of Development at Capital Good Fund - Remote (USA)
  3. Global Director of Research at Madre Brava - USA, UK and Europe (Remote)
  4. Program Officer, Transnational Kleptocracy at National Endowment for Democracy - Washington, DC (USA)
  5. 2-Day Launch Camp at SEED SPOT - Remote
  6. Grants Officer, Asia at National Endowment for Democracy - Washington, DC (USA)

View All 200 Jobs

Get Your Resume Professionally Reviewed

If you aren’t getting any attention on the job market, the problem could be your resume. We got your back - submit your resume to us for our expert opinions and tips to help you stand out!

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Win of the Week:

In India, a 657-square-mile rainforest was protected from 21 coal mines thanks to the work of the Save Hasdeo Aranya Resistance Committee, founded by Alok Shukla. The rainforest is crucial to the indigenous Adivasi people, along with several animal species. Shukla was recognized for his work with the Goldman Prize, also known as the ‘Green Nobel Peace Prize.’

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Bummer of the Week:

According to new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, one in seven Gen Z credit card users have maxed out their credit cards, and one-third of those maxed out are delinquent on their payments. Read more about the credit card debt crisis, which is more likely to impact low-income areas, below.

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